How To Link A PDF To A Button In Divi

  1. Login to your WordPress site.
  2. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Click "Media" and then "Add New."
  4. Upload your PDF(s) by dragging and dropping the files or by clicking "Select Files."
  5. Once uploaded, click on the PDF to open it in the WordPress media library.
  6. Copy the URL under "File URL."
  7. Navigate to the page that needs the PDF.
  8. Click "Enable Visual Builder."
  9. Find the existing section you want to add a button to and click "add module." (If you don't have an existing section, see step 10, otherwise, skip to step 11.)
  10. If you do not have an existing section, click the blue "+" to add a section. Add a row by clicking the green "+." Choose your column layout and then click "add module"
  11. Add a "button" module.
  12. Navigate to the "link" accordion.
  13. Paste in your link in the "Button Link URL" field, and then change the "Button Link Target" to "Open In A New Tab."

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